Coming Out Of 3-Prong Retirement w/ Evolve Diving Pole Spear

Posted by Venture Wetsuits on

When I first starting diving I only used three prong. It taught me patience and how to stalk and track fish. Like most of us, I started with a yellow fiberglass 3-prong from Walmart. There were way more misses then hits, but every hit felt so rewarding.


Through time in the water I eventually purchased a gun which I used 99% of the time after that. Only till a few months ago I purchased an Evolve Diving 3-Prong I was stoked to give it a shot after all the great things I heard about this 3-Prong. I bought the collapsible 9ft 3-Prong so that I could pack it easier on dive days and dive trips. I figured might as well get a strong one with range and I can always make it smaller to maneuver through the cracks.


I brought it out on a few dives but never got the chance to use it. Mainly if conditions held or theres game around i'd swim around with my gun rather than my 3-Prong. Until the day I came out of 3-Prong Retirement as I call it. I remember the night before I was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. I even took Nyquil to try knock me out, but it didn't work. I woke up after a brief 3.5 hour sleep to go dive and immediately I had allergies and was congested. First spot of the day was about 25 feet and I couldn't clear to save my life. I attempted 2 drops then was back on the boat. Popped a Sudafed hoping for the best and looked for shallow clean water and this is how I did.


It was such a fun dive using the 3-Prong again and breaking in my new Evolve Diving 3-Prong. Now I have my sights set on some bigger game with this 3-Prong, stay tuned!

Evolve 3-Prong:



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